Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Why I chose English Literature.

Books - I guess you either love them or loathe them. I love them. I would rather stay in on a friday night with my head in a good book than going out. I cannot count how many times I have said to my friends that I 'feel ill' or 'have to go to work,' when really, I just wanted to finish whatever I was reading. I figured that if I took literature, I would find out about new books to fall in love with. I figured that I could do something that I would actually enjoy doing homework for - what better homework is there than reading? Basically, I figured that Engish Literature was for me.
 Now, I can't say that i've always loved English - that is far from the truth. A few years back, I used to hate the subject. I would do anything I could to not go, but then I had a good teacher. I went from trying to avoid English, to loving the subject. I started to enjoy what I was learning and I would focus more because I liked the teacher. By the end of year 11, I would say that English had become my favourite subject.
 I guess that these are definitely the two main reasons for me taking English literature at A-Level. I know now that it was the right choice for me because I actually enjoy analysing the texts and I don't mind the essays (don't take that as a reason to set more though, Jill!). So, all in all, I would say that I chose English litertaure because of my love for books and because I was taught well at high school.


  1. Great stories. I loved reading this. Hope you're enjoying the Atwood...

  2. You really need to catch up with this blog. Write a post per poem and the Abse biography as well as post your annotated Abse poem!!
